Sunday, July 12, 2020
Flight Attendant Resume Examples, Template, and Resume Tips
Flight Attendant Resume Examples, Template, and Resume Tips Have you ever wanted to fly? If your answer is yes, then youâve probably imagined yourself being a flight attendant at some point.That job is, however, not for everyone, just like any other job, you might say.But, being a flight attendant is not easy at all. It includes a lot of stress, a lot of patience towards passengers and the ability to keep calm in difficult and maybe even emergency situations.And as with any other job, the usual way to get the job is to apply for it and hope you get called to an interview.In order for recruiters to pick you amongst hundreds and even thousands of people who applied, you need to have a good resume.Having a good resume helps you stand out of the crowd and show the recruiters what kind of person you really are.A lot of people tend to make generic resumes, meaning they usually write the same boring stuff, often even lie about their skills, just to get the job they want.That shouldnât be your goal. Lying about your skills might be dangerous in t his job, also for getting the job, as employers have their ways of spotting a lie in a resume.You always need to think about the responsibility you have towards the regular people who are traveling via planes.Therefore, it is much better to sweat a bit and make a perfect resume.Today we are here to help you with that. We are going to show you how to write a perfect resume.Letâs start by asking the most important questions every resume should answer:What makes my resume different than others?What are the most important sections of every resume?Do I use pre-made resume templates, or should I create my own?What is the optimal size for a resume?So, every good resume should answer these four questions without any problems.The trick is, however, to write it that way. To ease it for you, use our template resume builder!Now letâs talk why you need to have a perfect resume, apart from standing out of the crowd.Well, you need to make yourself look professional, and you can do that by havi ng a resume that looks professional as well.So, in this guide, we are going to show you some examples of what makes the perfect resume.Then, we will focus on every individual section of a resume and what piece of information each of them should include.And lastly, we will finish with some tips, concerning smaller things, that could affect your resume a lot.So, strap in and letâs begin!Flight Attendant Resume Example Right Flight Attendant Resume Sample Right Create your own resumeGUIDE ON WRITING THE PERSONAL INFO SECTIONSo, you must be wondering why are resumes so important?Well, they are the first mean of contact between the company and the job applicant.So, in order to leave a good first impression, you need to have a perfect resume.One good way of doing that is to start your resume by writing something about yourself.Make sure not to write too much though, since resumes should be small in size, from 1 to maximum 2 pages in total, so you shouldnât put any irrelevant information inside of it.That is easier said than done, though.But, worry, not! You can use our resume template creator anytime you want. It will help you create your resume, simply by allowing you to fill in the template and finish your resume in just a couple of minutes.Full nameThe most usual thing to say when starting a conversation with someone youâve just met is, of course, to share your name. Itâs the same with resumes.However, make sure not to write any nick names, since it wonât look professional.And remember, you want your resume looks professional.So, what you should do instead is use your full name, as shown in the example below.Melinda Coulson RightMelinda 'Melly' Coulson WrongProfessionThe next thing you want recruiters to know is your current profession or title, in case you are unemployed at the moment.So, right under your name, you should put your professional title.If you are just a student or fresh graduate, make sure to share your highest education title.This would make your resume looks nice and professional, increasing your chances of getting the job.PhotoFor some jobs, sharing your picture is required, for some not so much.However, it cannot hurt to always have a picture in your resume.You just need to remember one thing, which is that you shouldnât use just any picture that comes to your mind.Since you want to make your profile look professional, you want to have a picture that would represent your professional beh avior.That means you shouldnât use Facebook and Instagram pictures in which you donât look professional.It could lower your chance of getting the job, which is something no one would want to experience.Phone numberSome recruiters like to hear the applicants over phone, so it is always a good idea to share your phone number in your resume.It also makes it easier, meaning they wouldnât need to wait for email messages to arrive on both sides, before talking to you.In other words, sharing your phone number could make recruitment time faster.AddressIt is usually not required to share the address where you currently live.However, there is a good reason to do it.If you share your address, recruiters will be able to see the area where you live, meaning that they could possibly either pay you for transportation, if the company is a bit too far, or you could even get the personal ride or organized transport to the company itself.E-Mail addressOne of the crucial information about yoursel f that you definitely must share is your email address.It is the usual way of communication between employees and employers, as well as between the recruiters and job applicants. However, do not put just any mail.As with every other information in your resume, email should also look professional. Letâs see the example WrongAs seen in the table, it is not a good idea to use your nicknamed emails for business purposes.The best thing to do would be to make one email only for business and job applications, in order to avoid confusion.As for the email providers, it is better to use some of the most known providers, such as Gmail, Hotmail, and Yahoo.Social media profilesTodayâs world depends a lot on the internet and, as of recently, it relies a lot on social media.You can find almost anyone who has the internet on social media.Even todayâs companies tend to advertise themselves on different social media platforms, depending on their field and market conditions.So, now that we know that, the question is whether to share your social media profiles on your resume or not? Well, the simple answer is that you could.However, before you do that, you need to make sure that your social media profiles look good and professional, allowing recruiters to meet you, but also to get a sense of professionalism in you.The most important social media profile you should share is your LinkedIn profile.Before you do that, however, be sure to fix your profile link first. If you are not sure how to do that, take a look at the example WrongAs you can see in the table, the link in the left column is slightly edited, making it look more professional and easier to read, which would probably be appreciated by anyone who would have the job to read your resume.GUIDE ON WRITING THE SUMMARY SECTIONWe know we had said that resumes should be short and w ithout too much unnecessary information.However, it would be a good idea to write a short summary section, even though it would just be the replay of stuff that is already in the resume.The summary section should contain the most important information about your current or previous jobs, the things you learned by doing those jobs and some achievements you mightâve picked on the way. Letâs check the example.SummaryFlight Attendant with 5 years of experience in international flights. Worked in Qatar Airways and Turkish Airlines, where I got the experience in working with people and making sure they are safe and satisfied while they are on their flights. During the process, I learned CPR, AED and the process of giving the first aid. I also have the necessary aircraft training. RightSummaryA flight attendant with 5 years of experience. WrongAs shown in this example, you should open with your current position or title, following by years of experience and personal achievements, ski lls, and field of work.By doing that you separate yourself from the crowd of people who write generic resumes with bland information, such is the one in the right column of the table.You should make it look professional, by sharing as much information as possible, but still keeping the summary short, not longer than a few sentences.GUIDE ON WRITING THE EXPERIENCE SECTIONAlmost everything in your resume should be written in the reverse-chronological order, meaning that you would first write the things that happened recently, then go further to the past.Writing the experience section is one of those things.You should first state your current or past job, then go back to the past and finish with your first job.Another important thing to remember is that you should try to write something about the job you did in each company, as shown in the example. Right WrongGUIDE ON WRITING THE EDUCATION SECTIONNow that you are done with writing the experience section, you need to go back to the past and write something about your education.The method is completely the same.You should first write the highest education that you had received, then moving back to the past.However, sometimes you donât have to write more than one school or university.If you are very experienced in what you do, it is better only to state your highest education and write more about all that experience you got, which would help you preserve some space and keep more important things in your resume.Same as with the experience section, make sure to write a couple of points about your student activities and personal achievements.If you had good grades, you could also put your GPA score, along with the Deanâs list, in case that you make onto it for several semesters, or if the criteria for being on the Deanâs list was very high.If you feel unsure about how to do it and youâre afraid of making a mistake, feel free to use our resume template creator to help you do it in just a couple of minutes. Right WrongGUIDE ON WRITING THE SKILLS SECTIONThe skills section is where you are supposed to write all about the skills you have.One thing to note here is that you shouldnât write every skill you have, even though it is good to know a lot and to be skilled as much as possible.Instead, you should focus on sharing the skills that are closely related to the job position you are applying for because different jobs require different skills. Letâs see the example below.SkillsProfessional skills:FAA certificationCertification for basic medical assistance (CPR and First Aid)Good with peopleCompassionateKnowledge of safety regulations on flightsKnowledge of the plane layout (emergency exit, door controls, etc.)Languages:English (native)French (fluent)Spanish (basic)Other skills:OrganizedCommunicative RightSkillsHTML, CSS, Python, Great personal skills WrongAs seen in the example, it would be wrong to include certain skills, even though they are highly-valued. The problem is, most of them a re pretty useless for flight attendant position.So, instead of throwing all the skills you have on the paper, you should only select those important to your position.Another thing to note is that you should try to divide your skills into categories and use bulleting lists to make your skills look easier to read.That could help the recruiters to compare your skills with skills they need to find in the perfect applicant, thus, potentially increasing your chance of getting that job.TIPS TRICKSWeâve covered the most important sections of each resume and learned how to write them, what information to write, and what not to write.Letâs talk about some minor things that could be very important when it comes to making your perfect resume, and those are:Picking good font style â" the usual start of writing every document is to choose the right font. When it comes to writing a resume, you want your resume to both to look professional and to picture your personality at the same time. Tha t said, there is no need for one standardized font to use. You could use whatever you want. However, you shouldnât use handwritten font styles because they are harder to read and could cause some trouble to recruiters. You never know how old someone is.The right resume size â" some people tend to have resumes that are 3 pages in length. You might think that it is good that way because they do have a lot of experience and need space to write everything down, but you would be wrong. Every resume should be no longer than 1, maximum 2 pages. You can put every important thing on your resume and still keep it short enough. The only thing you need to do is to separate the important information and the useless ones.Bulleting lists â" since resumes should contain a lot of information, but to stay short at the same time, you should use any help you can find to reduce unnecessary text. One good way to do that would be to use bulleting lists. It would remove any unneeded words and sentences , and it would also make it much easier for recruiters to read our resume. That way, it would look more professional.Good file format for your resume â" when it comes to selecting the file format for your resume, we could say that there are two possible options that are both really good. People usually use either TXT or PDF file format. TXT files format is much easier to edit, which is why it is often used for resumes, especially when you are a fast learner and need to update your resume a lot. However, PDF looks much more professional, so we have to pick it as the recommended file format for your resume. If you are worried about having to update your resume a lot, then make sure to keep a copy of your resume in TXT format and edit it whenever you need to. Just donât forget to convert it to PDF before you send it to recruiters.Custom or manual template â" another thing that could help you to describe your personality in your resume, apart from font style, is the resume template. The template could show what kind of person you are, whether you are organized or dynamic. By doing that, you let recruiters get to know you better and perhaps make the decision about hiring you much easier than it would be the case if they didnât have some additional information. You can always create your own resume template, which could be the best idea. However, if you donât have time to do it, or you just feel afraid of doing it, feel free to use our resume template creator and just fill in all the information we had talked about, and you will have your resume ready in a couple of minutes.Checking the email regularly â" you know how emails can be buggy and messages could often get lost in the spam folder? That is the reason for you to check your emails regularly, even spam folder, in order not to miss a chance of getting the job you had applied for. Some recruiters might even call you via phone, but checking your emails regularly is a must.Re-reading your resume â" once you are done with writing your resume, what you should do is go back and read it while pretending to be a recruiter searching for a new employee. That way, you will look at your resume from a different perspective and see if you mightâve missed something earlier while you were writing the resume. By doing that, you will completely polish your resume and make it ready to be sent out and get you your interview invitation.Edit resume to fit the job â" like we had said above, not every job requires the same skills. Meaning that not every resume is fitting for every job. That means you should check what are the details of the job position you want to apply for and try to edit your resume to completely fit that position. Add some skills that are required, if you have them and remove those that are not so important. That way, you will increase your chance of getting the job.Mentioning political opinion â" we often hear about how people get jobs because they have friends in high places or because they share the same political opinion as to the companyâs top. That drives a lot of people to write about their political opinion in their resumes. Yes, it could be beneficial, but it is not recommended to do so since it can also backfire, which mostly does. Perhaps the person responsible for recruitment doesnât share your opinion, in which case, your resume could just be put on the side and forgotten. Thatâs why you should avoid mentioning any political opinions and activities you might have had.Using proper grammar â" another very good way to show professionalism in your resume is not to have grammar mistakes. Trust me when I say that no one likes to see the resume with grammar mistakes. It looks very unprofessional and gives the impression that the person responsible for it is not such a good candidate after all.Add new things to your resume â" people learn new things from time to time. We tend to acquire new skills, achieve great things and get some experience by doing it. Thatâs why you should really update your resume whenever you achieve something important, whether it is just a new skill or simply a great achievement that could help you with getting the job.CONCLUSIONThat was it for todayâs guide. We learned how to write a perfect Flight Attendant resume.Weâve seen some examples of great resumes for Flight Attendant and went over the most important section that every resume should have.We now know what information is important and what is not important.The only thing left to be done now is for you to go and write your own resume.However, if you still feel like you are not up to the task, feel free to use our resume template creator and make your perfect resume in just a moment. Create your own resume
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